Commanders’ Discretion: probably the most abused rule in today’s aviation industry
Captains’ discretion should not be a requirement or obligation, nor should it be routinely relied on by operations. It is a choice that should not
Captains’ discretion should not be a requirement or obligation, nor should it be routinely relied on by operations. It is a choice that should not
With the summer season still blasting the aviation industry, our activity is also amplified, as we make sure that our members in Romania and Eastern
The Hungarian airline Wizz Air was recently fined by the Romanian Anti-Discrimination Council for discriminating against Italian pilots, based in Romania, dismissed at the start
FPU Romania plays an important role in the development of an organized workforce in Eastern Europe that fights for legitimate interests in the aviation industry. Therefore,
FPU Romania warns of conflict on behalf of pilots and cabin crew at Wizz Air’s bases in Romania. It comes after the Supreme Administrative Court of Bulgaria
Press Release: Wizz Air forced to recognize cabin crew as flight crew in a Supreme Court decision The Supreme Administrative Court of Bulgaria has ruled
Către: Prof. univ. Dr. Alexandru Rafila,
Ministrul Sănătății
În cadrul unei întâlniri cu investitorii, Wizz Air a refuzat să își schimbe comportamentul față de sindicate. Acest lucru înseamnă că fondul de pensii danez
Starting with December 20, 2021, all persons entering Romania are obliged by the Public Health Directorate (DSP) to fill in electronically through the application,
Air France ocupă primul loc într-un nou studiu privind condițiile de muncă pentru piloți din 136 de companii aeriene europene.
Bucharest, Romania
Unirii Boulevard, nr. 11, Bl. 2B, Ap. 2, Office 3.
Monday-Friday: 9.00-17.00
ASOCIAȚIA PROFESIONALĂ „FLIGHT PERSONNEL UNION” (FPU Romania) was founded in 2020 by Denmark’s Flyvebranchen Personale Union (FPU), our head organization.
FPU Romania is a member of the European Cockpit Association (ECA). 🇪🇺
ASOCIAȚIA PROFESIONALĂ „FLIGHT PERSONNEL UNION” (FPU Romania) was founded in 2020 by Denmark’s Flyvebranchen Personale Union (FPU), our head organization.
FPU Romania is a member of the European Cockpit Association (ECA).