Malta Air Romania

FPU Romania Members voted to sign the Collective Labor Agreement with Malta Air


Flight Personnel Union Romania (FPUR)1 and Malta Air2, a subsidiary of Ryanair, have signed a Collective Labor Agreement (CLA) valid for a period of two years, with the possibility of extension by mutual agreement for an additional year. The collective labor agreement, which governs the rights and obligations of both pilots and cabin crew employed at the company’s base in Bucharest, represents a first of its kind in Romania, as no collective labor agreements have been signed for employees of foreign private airlines until now.

The new collective labor agreement introduces significant improvements, providing predictable salary increases for the coming years. Additionally, a significant part of variable salary elements (specific to flight crew, e.g., flight hours, perdiem, etc.) has been converted into fixed salary, providing employees with greater financial security. Moreover, the CLA establishes strict rules regarding work schedules, all types of leaves and related allowances, as well as provisions regarding pensions.

FPU Romania members – pilots and cabin crew – had the opportunity to vote together on the new collective labor agreement before it was ratified, with both groups adopting the CLA by an uncontested majority. This serves as a great example of pilots and cabin crew working closely together to secure the CLA as a team, all while strengthening working relationships and communication, which are crucial in such a safety-focused industry.

“We were inspired by the Danish negotiation model, which relies on the direct involvement of employees. Members expressed great satisfaction with both the long-awaited salary increase and the introduction of the new voting system, tested for the first time on this occasion. I want to thank everyone who participated, as well as the union representatives within the company and our team of lawyers who played an essential role in drafting the contract,” says Mircea Constantin, Secretary General of FPU Romania.

For FPU Romania, it is important that the collective labor agreement includes clear rules for scheduling periodic meetings between Malta Air management and FPUR representatives to discuss issues faced by the company’s employees.

According to FPUR representatives within the company, Cristina Dragoș and Ana Crăciun, who are also members of the Malta Air Cabin Crew, the new contract represents “an innovative example of how employers and employees can collaborate with the help of an independent union like FPU Romania. We put a lot of effort into securing the opportunity to negotiate with Malta Air. Successfully getting the CLA in place is a big achievement for both parties, having a real and positive impact on our working conditions and already improving our colleagues’ retention.”

The collective labor agreement has been implemented and officially registered with the Labor Inspection in Romania.

“Through this contract, FPU Romania members receive a higher level of security, especially in a country where unions are not necessarily welcomed in private companies. Additionally, the contract provides the company with the necessary confidence to develop a long-term strategy for its operations in Romania, which ultimately will benefit the employees,” said Costel Gîlcă and Bianca Mircea, FPU Romania’s legal team.

For more information, you can contact us at:

Mircea Constantin, Secretary General FPU Romania,

Editor’s Notes:

  1. Established in 2020, Flight Personnel Union Romania (“FPU Romania” or “FPUR”) organizes pilots and cabin crew in Romania, promoting decent working conditions. FPU Romania is part of the Flyvebranchen Personale Union (FPU), the central organization in Denmark, and a member of the European Cockpit Association (ECA). ↩︎
  2. Malta Air is a subsidiary of the Ryanair Group. The airline is headquartered in Malta and operates in Malta, Italy, Germany, Romania, Sweden, and France. Ryanair Holdings plc is the largest airline group in Europe and the parent company of Ryanair, Ryanair UK, Buzz, Lauda, and Malta Air. ↩︎

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