Wizz Air’s Decision to Resume Flights to Tel Aviv
Wizz Air’s Decision to Resume Flights to Tel Aviv
At Flight Personal Union (FPU), our mission is to empower workers to assert their rights and enhance their quality of life. Our recent court victories
FPU Romania warns of conflict on behalf of pilots and cabin crew at Wizz Air’s bases in Romania. It comes after the Supreme Administrative Court of Bulgaria
Wizz Air cancels flights due to lack of crew: Why don’t you call back the crew you let go when the pandemic hit?
Instanțele judecătorești din România obligă compania Wizz Air să reangajeze piloții și însoțitorii de zbor concediați Compania aeriană maghiară Wizz Air este obligată de către
Wizz Air a selectat ce piloți urmau să fie concediați în funcție de câte zile de concediu medical aveau și cât de dificili erau piloții. Știrea a fost raportată de mai multe surse media care au intrat în posesia unei înregistrări audio secrete.
Premieră în România: Compania Wizz Air executată silit pentru discriminarea angajaților săi
If Wizz Air is successful in Norway, there is no doubt that the company will see its chance to open bases in Sweden and Denmark, threatening the Scandinavian model. We need to act now to avoid a deterioration of working conditions throughout Scandinavia, writes Mircea Constantin, who represents FPU Romania.
ASOCIAȚIA PROFESIONALĂ „FLIGHT PERSONNEL UNION” (FPU Romania) was founded in 2020 by Denmark’s Flyvebranchen Personale Union (FPU), our head organization.
FPU Romania is a member of the European Cockpit Association (ECA). 🇪🇺
ASOCIAȚIA PROFESIONALĂ „FLIGHT PERSONNEL UNION” (FPU Romania) was founded in 2020 by Denmark’s Flyvebranchen Personale Union (FPU), our head organization.
FPU Romania is a member of the European Cockpit Association (ECA).