Find out which airlines have a collective labor agreement for pilots and cabin crew
It can be difficult to see which airlines have collective agreements on orderly terms for pilots and cabin crew. Therefore, we have made an overview of
It can be difficult to see which airlines have collective agreements on orderly terms for pilots and cabin crew. Therefore, we have made an overview of
Bucharest, Romania
Unirii Boulevard, nr. 11, Bl. 2B, Ap. 2, Office 3.
Monday-Friday: 9.00-17.00
ASOCIAȚIA PROFESIONALĂ „FLIGHT PERSONNEL UNION” (FPU Romania) was founded in 2020 by Denmark’s Flyvebranchen Personale Union (FPU), our head organization.
FPU Romania is a member of the European Cockpit Association (ECA). 🇪🇺
ASOCIAȚIA PROFESIONALĂ „FLIGHT PERSONNEL UNION” (FPU Romania) was founded in 2020 by Denmark’s Flyvebranchen Personale Union (FPU), our head organization.
FPU Romania is a member of the European Cockpit Association (ECA).